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Website of the Real Bar 10-Ball League

Bethico League

Bethico League Software Suite, the ultimate website solution for billiard and dart leagues.


Concept, Design, Database structure, Website logic and coding. Integration into the Joomla! framework. Data entry, testing, and maintenance. By Bernard Condrau.

Translations: German (Bernard Condrau), French (Luc Gillijns, Marina Meert, and Bernard Condrau), Thai (Thinnakorn Banmoo), Korean (Jung-Hee Kim, Young-Hee Lim, and Ga-Hyeon “Helen” Seo)

2010 - 2024 Bernard Condrau. All Rights Reserved.
Design, database structure, all source files, stylesheets, configuration files, and documentation (all this = “the works”) are the sole intellectual property of Bernard Condrau (“the author”).

The author grants selected leagues a non-exclusive right to use and maintain the works for the league's own use. It is prohibited to give any part of the works to 3rd parties, sell the works in part or as a whole, or use it for any purpose other than the league, unless a written agreement from the author has been obtained in advance.

2005 - 2024 Open Source Matters, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The Joomla! framework, external components and modules, other than the Bethico League Software Suite's specific code, are licensed under the respective license agreements, mostly under GPL Version 2.

2022-2024 Real Bar 10-Ball League. All Rights Reserved.
All data in the database are owned by the Real Bar 10-Ball League.

Other copyrights

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2024 EmojiOne. Free Emoji Icons. All Rights Reserved.

Bethico Version
Version Change Log
Modified 27 June 2024, 11:40:47


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